Nolan's Nut Allergy Story

Nolan's Nut Allergy Story

Recently Nolan tried a cashew, we didn't give it to him (that is a story for another time).  His lip swelled!  I gave him Benadryl and the swelling started to go down.  I couldn't believe it!  I didn't think he was allergic to anything!  About 10 minutes after that he said "Mum under my chin feels funny" I looked at him and his neck was hugely swollen.  I freaked out.  I called my husband and he said, "get him to the hospital!!"  The entire ride I keep making him talk to me to make sure he was still able to breath.  I was like, let's sing a song, do you want to sing a song?  I think he sensed I was on the verge of a heart attack but he was like, "Mum why do you want me to sing a song"?!  When we got to the ER they took us right away, they jabbed him with an epi-pen and gave him steroids and monitored him for a few hours.  He was so mad.  "Mum, you and dad told me I wasn't allergic to anything"  "I'm not like Sean" --could he break my heart anymore?  This was not a good day.  Needless to say he got a huge prize in the toy department the next day.

We followed up with the pediatrician and had some blood tests that reveals he was in fact allergic to specifically cashews, not other nuts or peanuts and come to find out sesame seeds too...very strange indeed.

So now we have extra epi-pens and a whole new set of worries!