Saturday, November 9, 2013

DIY Wipe Board

Not sure where or how I found/realized that you could use "dry erase" makers on glass and it would actually wipe off!  I am pretty sure it was somewhere on Pinterest.

All you need is:
A frame - I got this one at Michael's, they are constantly having buy one get one free or 50% off sales.
Some fabric
Tape (duck tape or painters tape)
Dry erase markers and an eraser (Target)

I wrapped the fabric around the cardboard that was inside the frame.  I pulled it tight and taped with some painters tape.  Then I just stick it back in the frame.

I hung it in the kitchen.  I put lists, reminders, messages to the kids/hubby, and countdowns (as you can see here, I did this project over the summer).

Sean loves it too.

1 comment:

أشعة دوبلر على الساق said...

I love the podcasts available on this site.