Thursday, March 31, 2011


My name is Kelly and lately I feel as though I'm on the brink...on the brink of something great...of a nervous breakdown...of disaster, it depends on the day. I just turned 40, eeek!  I have two active little boys, a husband, a new home, a part-time job in the city and amazing parents who live nearby.  I'm trying hard to find a balance.  This blog will be where I can let loose with my creative side or just vent about what's going on in my life.  It will be pretty will sometimes be about my building gift business, my family, food allergies (my sons), funny/crazy little boys, shopping, my great girlfriends, my hubby and just life in general.  I hope you can relate or maybe take something from it…

1 comment:

Theresa Walsh said...

I already love your blog :-) you rock. I look forward to more great posts (I had no idea what decoupage was until today!)